Zibo Jinpeng Carbon Co., Ltd. is located in the porcelain town of Zibo city Shandong province , which is the carbon industry base in China. The transportation is convenient.
We specializing in manufacturing carbon and graphite products , we have complete production processing and professional equipment and special processes to produce carbon graphite square. Our main products are various graphite and graphite round pieces. Including graphite crucibles , graphite rotor , graphite block, graphite plate ,graphite rod, graphite heater elements ,graphite tube . Sic graphite crucible ,Graphite profiled piece .etc
Products are widely used in metallurgical industry, Glass machinery industry, ,New material and new energy industry, The chemical anticorrosive equipment industrial, Mechanical foundry/casting industry, Heating elements and electrical components, Aerospace industry. Etc Besides domestic markets, we mainly exports to the Korea, South America , Asia and European countries and regions. If you need our products . please contact us !.
資料認證: |
企業名稱: | 淄博錦鵬復合材料科技有限公司 | 營業場所: | 周村區王村鎮西鋪村東 |
統一信用代碼: | 913703067850050112 | 法人: | 楊勇 |
經營範圍: | 新型復合材料研發;石墨電極板、碳陶、剎車盤、機械密封、導熱型材的生產、銷售;石墨制品、石墨設備的生產、加工、銷售;機械設備、白剛玉、碳化硅制品的批發零售;貨物進出口。(依法須經批準的項目,經相關部門批準後方可開展經營活動) |