PPR給水管 鋁合金襯塑PPR管
鋁雲匯 鋁業產品 鋁管 PPR給水管 鋁合金襯塑PPR管

PPR給水管 鋁合金襯塑PPR管

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PPR給水管 鋁合金襯塑PPR管

PP-R(polypropylene random)管又叫三型聚丙烯管和又叫無規共聚聚丙烯管或PPR管,具有節能節材、環保、輕質高強、耐腐蝕、內壁光滑不結垢、施工和維修簡便、使用壽命長等優點,廣泛應用於建築給排水、城鄉給排水、城市燃 氣、電 力和光纜護套、工業流體輸送、農業灌溉等建築業、市 政、工業和農業領域。PP-R管採用無規共聚聚丙烯經擠出成爲管材,注塑成爲管件。

PP-R (polypropylene random tube is also called the three types of polypropylene pipe and is also called non random copolymerized polypropylene pipe or the PPR pipe, with energy saving, environmental protection, light weight, high strength, corrosion resistance, smooth inner wall scale, construction and easy maintenance, long life and other advantages, widely used in construction to drainage, urban and rural areas to drainage, city gas, electricity and cable sheath, industrial fluid transportation, agricultural irrigation and other construction, municipal, industrial and agricultural areas. PP-R tube using random copolymer polypropylene through extrusion into the pipe, injection into the pipe.


PPR pipe with the traditional cast iron pipe, galvanized steel pipe, cement pipe and pipe compared with energy saving, environmental protection, light weight, high strength, corrosion resistance, smooth inner wall scale, construction and easy maintenance, long life and other advantages, widely used in construction to drainage, urban and rural areas to drainage, City gas, electricity and cable sheath, industrial fluid transportation, agricultural irrigation, construction, municipal, industrial and agricultural areas.

In recent years, with the construction industry, municipal engineering, water conservancy projects, agricultural and industrial market demand continues to increase, China's PPR pipe industry showing a rapid development trend. According to the survey, in 2009 the production of plastic pipes for the production of 18.9% tons, an increase of in 2010 1-9 plastic pipe production volume of over tons, an increase of 28.23%. At the same time, with the consumers of environmentally friendly products, health and durable quality requirements continue to increase, China plastic pipe the output increases at the same time, product quality and continuously improve the level of, accelerating the technical progress of the industry, brand scale enterprises continued to increase, new materials, new varieties are emerging, advanced system design ideas emerge in an endless stream, the functionality of the product is more obvious, the application field of get further widened. The analysis shows that the share of China's plastic pipe market share in all of the pipeline has been more than 30%.

江蘇潤碩管道科技有限公司專業設計、研發、生產鋁合金襯塑復合管,其中潤碩牌鋁合金襯塑(ppr)復合管、鋁合金襯塑(PP-R)復合管、鋁合金襯塑(PE-RT)復合管、鋁合金襯塑(pert)復合管、鋁合金襯塑(PB)復合管、鋁合金襯塑(pb)復合管,已經成爲行業首選鋁合金襯塑復合管領導品牌,是專業的鋁合金襯塑復合管生產廠家。    潤碩管道科技RunSoo是享譽業界的創新科技領導者,以“創新、務實、社會責任”爲核心發展概念,致力於實現“持續引領涉水產品革新”的企業願景。  潤碩RunSoo地處江蘇徐州睢寧桃嵐化工園,創立於2010年,佔地60餘畝,其中工廠面積20000平米,注冊資金5180萬元,
企業名稱: 江蘇潤碩管業有限公司 營業場所: 睢寧桃嵐化工園經二路1號
統一信用代碼: 913203245602918036 法人: 徐志強
經營範圍: 金屬襯塑塗塑管材及管件、塑膠合成材料研發、銷售;塑料管、塑料零件生產、銷售;塑膠線纜、化工原料(危險品除外)、水暖衛浴、五金及配件、塑料型材、工礦配件、建築裝飾材料、門窗銷售;自營和代理各類商品及技術的進出口業務(國家限定企業經營或禁止進出口的商品和技術除外)。(依法須經批準的項目,經相關部門批準後方可開展經營活動)
王敏 女士
  • 聯系人王敏 女士
  • 電話0516-68066905
  • 傳真0516-68066887
  • 地址江蘇省睢寧縣桃嵐化工園經二路1號
  • 郵箱mjx@runsoo.com

PPR給水管 鋁合金襯塑PPR管

江蘇潤碩管道科技有限公司 王敏 女士 | 18352201999 | 0516-68066905 我要詢價